Identifying the perpetrator of an unlawful killing by their role is permissible

R (Glaister & Carr) v HM Asst Coroner for North Wales. [2025] EWHC 167 (Admin) (here) The decision whether and how to leave an unlawful killing conclusion for the jury in respect of a 16 year old falling from a mountainside on an explorer scout weekend overseen by volunteer scout leaders was always going to […]

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Chief Coroner’s Guidance for Coroners on the Bench

The Chief Coroner, HHJ Alexia Durran, has today launched the “Chief Coroner’s Guidance for Coroners on the Bench”  It has been produced as a resource for coroners to help them locate key principles, practical information and precedents when dealing with inquests, but of course will also be an invaluable reference point for all inquest practitioners. […]

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What’s in a name? Registering the deceased by their chosen name

“In English law a person’s name is that by which he himself chooses to be known.”[1] Despite Baroness Hale’s very clear statement it remains a surprise to some to learn that we have no ‘legal name’ under English and Welsh law. The identity of a person is not a matter of legal formality in that […]

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